

This a personal site, about what it’s like to live with an ileostomy, colostomy, or urostomy.  There are many excellent sites with medical advice or how-to articles, and the best ones I’ve found are listed on the Resources page. But this site offers some lighter fare too … ostomy humour, personal musings, that sort of thing.

The Ostomy Raft refers to an allegory I once wrote about how, for one reason or another, we all ended up on the same raft together on our journey through life. And the best part about that is we can help each other out. You can read the story here.

It’s also the name of a book I wrote, with tips about living with a bowel ostomy. You can learn more about the book here.

If you have any comments or a story to contribute to the site, I’d love to hear from you. Please use the contact form provided here.